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Should your AC be turned off when you leave home?

Dodge Cooling and Heating

Should you turn AC off when you leave your home?

Late summers in New England can have wonderfully cool nights but still blistering hot days! You may want to turn your AC systems off during the day to finally save some energy and money. But would that be the case? Many studies done yield mixed results. Here is what Dodge Cooling and Heating recommends.

Mid Summer

We generally find that during the SUMMER months, leaving your system ON with a programmable thermostat set between 68-72 degrees is best for energy consumption and for a night of sleep that is not sweltering hot.

AC's do more than keep the temperatures down, they also help keep the humidity down. High humidity levels in your home increase the likelihood of mold growth, attract unwanted insects and unwanted pests. High humidity can also make the home feel warmer than it is. So keeping your system on is in your home and families best interest during high heat summer days.

Late Summer

Turning your system off in late summer/early fall could use less energy during the day. However, when you turn it back on in the afternoon/evening, it will likely take several hours of constant running to bring your home back down to a comfortable temperature.


There are many factor that go into determining if turning your system off will indeed save you energy. For example, size of your home, how well insulated your home is, the direction your home faces, and how CLEAN your system is. A unmaintained system system will be less efficient in any situation.

Contact Dodge Cooling and Heating today for questions or to schedule your Maintenance!

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